Tag Archives: trade industry

Secret Barter Arbitrage Product Sourcing Sites Part 1

Hey special thanks to Barter Arbitrage student Patrick Wooley for providing me with some really bad ass sourcing sites that a lot of you can use to source trade items that can be traded up for big profits.

Some of these sites I recognize, others I do NOT.

As always check into this blog daily even if you’re a paid member as I still continue to update the Barter Arbitrage blog with content rich gold and this is the only place to find it.

This will be page one of some of the sites you can take to the bank and I’ll post the rest tomorrow.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the incredible feedback. It’s always nice to get great testimonials on the Warrior Forum….but so much nicer to get specifics in terms of your success.

Many of you are literally kicking ass with barter and I’m proud of all of you.

Anyway here are a few sites to book mark and study. More will be coming!




OK gang…..thanks again to another number one show with my most successful student ever….show replay is posted on this blog and it’s BAD ASSSSS!

Stay Legendary and Keep Checking In Daily! There is so much gold on this blog don’t let the fact it’s free devalue all the barter nuggets I’m sharing.

Stay Legendary!

Vegas Vince
Barter Arbitrage 2.0